Unique in technical solutions

Low pricing
Work efficient and effective
Creative in thinking and making

Would you like to save costs with a piece of automation?
Perhaps you are looking for a suitable tool to successfully complete your assignment?
Maybe you are looking for a project from A to Z?
If you can dream it we can make it.
Our services consist of designing, prototyping and producing machines and tools to help you with your challenge.
Remy van Wijk
"When I was 6 years old and received my first box of technical lego I was sold. Assembling the kit was fun, but making something different from all the blocks the box had to offer was much more fun. That is how my interest started for the many possibilities that technology has to offer."
From childhood on I was fascinated about technology.
As long as it could drive, fly or move autonomously I was sold. Robotics, mechatronics and mechanics grew from a hobby to an ambition. Over the years I have gained lots of experience within different national and international companies and I have been given opportunities for which I am very grateful. From inventing and creating simple hand tools for assembly work, designing, prototyping, flying and producing 4000 flying robots. In December 2016 I bought a house with a large garage which I completely converted into a workshop full of machines so that every brain principle could become reality. Because of this maneuverability, prototyping and carrying out assignments was suddenly way easier. Not only for myself, but also for third parties. Over the years with the trend towards technology and therefore automation, I noticed that there was a lot of interest in finding practical technical and targeted solutions, often within a very short period of time. Nothing is too crazy for me, and if I can not figure it out, we will work it out together. Take a look at my projects or watch the video at the top of the page.